Once Bob took a paper stripe of n squares (the height of the stripe is 1 square). In each square he wrote an integer number, possibly negative. He became interested in how many ways exist to cut this stripe into two pieces so that the sum of numbers from one piece is equal to the sum of numbers from the other piece, and each piece contains positive integer amount of squares. Would you help Bob solve this problem?
The first input line contains integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — amount of squares in the stripe. The second line contains n space-separated numbers — they are the numbers written in the squares of the stripe. These numbers are integer and do not exceed 10000 in absolute value.
Output the amount of ways to cut the stripe into two non-empty pieces so that the sum of numbers from one piece is equal to the sum of numbers from the other piece. Don't forget that it's allowed to cut the stripe along the squares' borders only.
Sample Input
9 1 5 -6 7 9 -16 0 -2 2
3 1 1 1
2 0 0
1 解题思路:这个题目的意思就是求一组数前后两端的和一样的情况有多少种,这里要注意的是它只能分成两个部分。看懂题目很重要,其实首先我就看错题了,我以为是求当两端相等时是 在第几个数的后面,这是很容易出错的。解题步骤很简单,就是先将这组数的和求出来,然后从左网友一一遍历,遇到前面的和等于总和减去前面的和的就将要输出的数加1,但在开始前要 讲要输出的数记为0.这里还要注意的一点是遍历只能到n-1,是不能够遍历到最后一个数的。程序代码:
#include#include using namespace std; const int m=100010; int a[m]; int c,sum; int main() { int n,i; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); sum=sum+a[i]; } int floag=0; for(i=1;i